Once in a while I’ll have someone call and ask “What’s the reason to go with your company versus my big bank?” Bottom line is we care. Just like the other advertisers on KSEV, small companies only stay around a long time because they’re doing it right and people come back and refer others.
Example: We have a return client we’re working with, what I affectionately refer to as a repeat offender. We’re refinancing both their primary and their second home. One of our processors noticed their flood insurance was very high. Flood zone maps change from time to time but the agent still had it listed in a high risk flood area. We sent some information over and this year’s flood premium went from $1,600 to just over $300. Is somebody at a big bank or online going to do that? Not hardly. When going for personal or financial services – go small, personal, boutique service and you’ll come out better every time.
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